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Key Person Insurance

Most often, small businesses succeed based on the passion, energy, knowledge and reputation of the owner and perhaps other key employees. It is often these talents that differentiate their business from that of their competitors. Unfortunately if any of these key individuals were to suffer long term disability, illness or death, the business could be exposed to a serious financial threat that, without risk planning, it may not survive from.

During the disruption that follows, lenders may cut back on credit, suppliers may become more concerned with payments, key contracts may not be fulfilled, employees and customers may lose confidence and ultimately orders and revenue may be lost.

Suddenly, as these events are never planned, everything you worked so hard for could be lost. As a small business owner, you must protect the business and your customer's interests; you must also protect your family that depends so much on you and your income.

We will work with you to develop strategies to mitigate this risk through the use of key person insurance strategies to cover the loss of a key person due to disability, death or critical illness.

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