After Disability Occurs
No matter how disability occurs, whether it be from childhood, unexpected incapacitation or simply due to aging, it brings with it changed lifestyles, emotional stress and quite often financial hardship.
There are support groups in just about every community to assist with factors specific to the nature of the disability. These groups do wonderful work, though often underfunded, bringing together and supporting those of common affliction. Government agencies are also there to provide support but unfortunately are not always able to deal with your situation at the personal level required.
At Transitions Wealth Strategies, we determined that few of these agencies are truly focused on assisting those with disability in their quest to understand and access programs designed to financially support the disabled individual or their Caregiver. Frustration inevitably occurs.
Fortunately, at Transitions Wealth Strategies, we have recognized this shortcoming. We have developed expertise that will assist both the disabled individuals and their Caregivers in planning and organizing to effectively manage the financial welfare of the special needs individual taking advantage of all credits, grants and programs available that best match the needs.